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Decorators reviews of the Shield Flexi Gripper Gloves

We recently chose 5 painters and decorators at random to review our Shield Flexi Gripper Gloves. Here's what they had to say... Steven Markey I was asked to give a quick review of the white Shield gloves. I don't normally wear gloves as I only use water based paints. But I had a big job to do where the customer wanted oil eggshell on all windows, doors, woodwork and kitchen cupboards. So thought I'd try them out. I have to say they were superb. Very comfy. Didn't let any paint through at all. The backing was very breathable so my hands didn't get warm at all. Also, they weren't tight like some I've worn in the past. I suppose the best review I could give is that I forgot I had them on. Wouldn't hesitate in buying a pair. Even though I have quite big hands they were very comfy. Very pleased with them.   Harrie Stone I normally wear blue nitrate gloves for decorating and some regular gripper gloves for more heavy-duty tasks. My beautiful hands sure run through the mill during the week. This week was no different. A giant pair of rusty, badly painted, intricately designed, iron gates were first on the list. They required some aggressive sanding in some tricky tiny spaces. This is where I'd normally lose the tips of my blue gloves; my fingertips would lose skin and I would end up having filed my nail rather oddly on one side on one or two fingers. It was also super-hot, so I'd have no doubt had to change them for a new pair every time I had to take them off, if for nothing else but to let my hands breathe. The usual gripper gloves wouldn't have been an option because they are too thick, I wouldn't be able to feel the texture of the surface. The Shield gloves were a perfect solution however; breathable unlike your standard grippers, so no horrid sweaty hands. But because the coating of the fingers was thin, it meant I could feel the texture of the surface. This being said, the coating was still strong enough to survive the abuse they were facing. They protected my fingers all day. After two days of sanding I popped them on for the painting. This is where the disposable gloves excel, you can get as much paint on as you like and it's not getting on your hand (unless you get a small hole and don't notice). The Shield gloves however stood me in good stead. They did let a little paint slip through of the back of the hand, but noting that a quick wash after a restroom visit couldn't get rid of. All in all I could undertake my work to the high quality I expect while my hands stayed cool, and clean. Job done. I would buy another pair, but smaller, in the hope that they were a snug fit without losing too much length. Being female, fingers are more slender than the fingers these are designed for, I suspect. But that's often a given when finding workwear for females in the trades. The only real downside is that even after a quick machine wash they are a bit of a mucky colour now. Being the perfectionist that I am, and that they are slightly too big, I'm reluctant to put them back on. I get why they are white but our hands really are our tools in this trade. They are in the thick of it. So get very dirty. I do like to put fresh clean gloves on at the start of the day. Perhaps you would consider producing them in a more practical colour? *Coughs* RED! You know, so the ground and grime doesn't show, and they match my nails?   Dan Burton I found the Shield Flexi Gloves very hardwearing and was surprised at how good they were for stopping paint soaking through to your hands. Having never really used gloves before for painting I can honestly say that I will be using them all the time now and would definitely be buying the Shield Gloves again.   Kane Goddard After receiving the gloves I tried them straight away and was really impressed, as I've not worn gloves before I was a little pessimistic about wearing them. However, I was very impressed with the grip they have, how breathable they are and how comfortable they felt. I will definitely be buying myself a few pairs of these gloves as I wear the Shield Gloves daily and have been converted. Can't be without them now.   Philip Ward I've been giving these "Flexi Gripper Gloves" a good workout and the first thing you notice is they do feel good quality, they're lightweight and genuinely quite comfortable, very easy to put on and take off quickly and they feel fairly strong, (I haven't torn, ripped or split them yet) and they do provide a good grip when using tools. Previous gloves I've used tend to become more of a hindrance than a help and don't tend to last long so the big test for me was how they handled lots of prep and sandpaper, and after several weeks and a good work out they're still intact. The only criticism is the breathable backs didn't seem to help as much as I would have liked, especially on hot days and that's when they become uncomfortable. But overall good quality glove for all painting and preparation. We'll be picking more decorators at random in the future to test a good range of our products, so if you'd like to have the chance of being selected please email your details to